Discover Elevative Shots
Just like a shot of espresso gives you that quick boost of energy, these videos are here to give you a quick shot of leadership insights, tips, and strategies you can take with you and apply right away in your leadership journey. No fluff—just powerful, actionable advice in small, impactful doses.
Podcast guest
Listen to Behind the Bio, a podcast about the people behind the professions.
Featured article in Latin Stories
"With hard work, vision, love for the process and trust in God, everything is possible".
Video series guest
Watch Mariana and Kim Winter's quick chat about executive coaching in Logistics Executive TV
Podcast guest (Spanish)
Escucha en FM podcast una charla inspiradora que te dará las claves para alcanzar tus metas con propósito y confianza
10 steps to successful employee change management
Ready to lead your teams through change with confidence? My new guide is packed with practical steps to help you manage employee change effectively—and it's unlike any other.